Monday, January 7, 2008

Jeff is awesome.

My friend Jeff has offered his assistance in helping me get into some cardio fitness routine...basically, I just need someone to help me get with it and get interested because I think working out is totally boring. I love how I feel AFTER, but before and during, I feel a sense of dread that is comparable to that time I was waiting to take the SAT and I felt bloated...but imagine that EVERY TIME you step on a StairMaster.

Jeff is a personal trainer - he is vegan and trains people who have the vegan/vegetarian way of life - he is strong and smart and has agreed to help me even though I eat meat:). He's a true fitness guru - he wants to see me succeed and get my act together on the health front - that's a true friend who will help a young lady like that. He is being a real friend by being my workout partner for the next few weeks. I owe him a lot for his assistance.

My point?
Workout partners ROCK and motivate you to get your act together. If you have a better income than yours truly, getting a personal trainer can be worth it, just do your research and try not to go through a gym system...that's just TOO expensive. People know people and can give referrals. Jeff is the perfect trainer to hire because he believes in what he does and he LIVES it. If you live in the Chicago area, find him on myspace here:
the url is
and he is the founder of Follow Through Personal Training.

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