Wednesday, September 3, 2008

taking back the money...

I am calling the Conservatory this week to get back our deposit.
It makes me sad, but it's just not the place for us. We can't afford the wedding we
we've decided to wait.

I'm pretty bummed with the move to Charleston. I miss the midwest more than I ever anticipated. Will I ever be satisfied?

The one amazing thing that happened with the move was my relationship with Bernhardt is even CLOSER than I ever imagined it could get - I realized that all I ever need is him. I've been so depressed with all the change - he's the one that keeps me going. We're going to be patient with life and figure out the wedding location slowly. We've planned on getting through this year and seeing where we really want to be - if our careers take us anywhere - if we feel right with SC. I'm in half a mind to pick up in a year and move somewhere else. You can't cram a wedding with my fickle moving whims.


amanda said...

hey stacy! i'm sad to hear that you are sad, but i think you are making the right decision. just dealing with the new job and wedding stuff is overwhelming. i commend you guys for adding moving to your list. i also believe that everything will fall into place how it is supposed and bern will figure it out...on the super positive side - isn't it great to feel how strong your relationship really is?! This is cheesy, but getting through my first few days of teaching with dan's support has been amazing!

miss you, cool girl!

Stacy said...

I TOTALLY feel you! I feel like our relationship is stronger than ever with the teaching stress and then coming home to Bern...

I'm so glad you and Dan are doing so well too! Isn't it awesome to have someone to talk with about all of this...teacher stuff.
Today I reviewed nouns with B! And then I made worksheets about CONTEXT CLUES!

I'm getting over the "sad". I like the fact that we are going to be smart and save money and that when we finally get hitched, it will be happy and worth the wait. Now I can read wedding books without feeling all "in a hurry".

I miss you SO MUCH. Thanks for commenting.