Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We finally got the ink to stick:

For people who are thinking of getting their wedding invitations from Target - we bought the "Always Ann" Wedding Invitations with supply cards and envelopes - 25 count.

What happened - the ink wouldn't stick - it just bubbled. Although the package said the invites would go through an Epson printer (and I have a really nice one at that), they just shifted and were crooked...

We ended up spending $95 on top of the $100 the invitations cost. We thought we were getting a real deal - adding the printing fees made it a slight deal. The printing company told us that the paper was too small to go through their printer, so we did a one time print/stamp deal - hence the expense.

The invitations are still really great - simple and beautiful - and getting them printed by someone else wasn't traumatic - I just wish that it had all been on the package - the exact ink needed, etc. I'm going to contact Target about the ink thing - just so their advertising of "ease" can be legit.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

The invitations ended up costing $100 because we bought one more pack...FYI.