Friday, February 1, 2008

Hidden Costs.

SO. We just got the paperwork for Garfield Park in the mail and there are about $1000 hidden fees! AGH!
I feel so..duped.
So now, over the weekend Bern and I are reading the fine print, coming up with a list of questions, and are going to make an appointment with the conservatory.

They even got the RENTAL HOURS wrong.

I think everyone goes through this...but still. WHAT A PAIN.

I think the solution is documenting everything - having every last detail in writing so you don't get screwed in the long run.


Unknown said...

Hi there -- I just ran across your blog while searching for info about the GPC -- I too am planning a wedding there next year (March 2009) and was amused to learn about all of the fees -- I actually requested a blank copy of the contract before we put down a deposit. They were a little hesitant to provide, but I was glad to calculate those extra fees in before we handed over the deposit check! I'll continue checking your blog for info -- and if I have any luck with vendors, etc I'll be sure to post a comment!
Good luck!

Stacy said...

How smart to request the blank copy! I think I was so "gotta get it NOW" that I totally just gave them money:). I was a little shocked to get the bill so my fiance and I are slowly coming up with a list of questions to ask - I'm not signing it until I get answers! BUT, I think people run into this wherever they decide to get married AND the GPC staff have all been really nice.

How come weddings are so expensive?
And where is that rich benefactor who is supposed to come in and offer to take care of Bern and I forever? (eye bat).

Thanks for reading! Let's totally trade vendor info!

Unknown said...

Geh -- I know! My parents have offered to help, but you hate to take advantage in any way. We're really trying to be as creative as possible in terms of doing things ourselves versus hiring someone but its hard! I've tried to pad our budget to account for all the random hidden fees but its scary not always knowing what to expect.
I'm researching catering options right now, and probably officiants, bands and florists over the next couple of months- I'll definitely share any key learnings as I go. Feel free to email me too!