Saturday, January 26, 2008


My Matron of Honor Malissa and I have a project called PerPerson (see the other blog linked to my profile). With PerPerson, we have huge parties and cater them for, like, NOTHING per person. The food you see above was a whopping $50 total.

You can imagine my surprise when today I began checking out catering websites for the companies that work with the GPC. Oh - - - my - - - GOD. OHMYGOD. I did some calculations from samples and we are going to be paying $10,000 or MORE on food and bar.

Somebody help me.
I just
fell out

of my chair.


Tricia said...

All depends. We called a local restaurant we liked and I think it was $25/person. But we were real low-key and picnic-y. Afternoon wedding and all. It depends. It depends. :)

One more time? It depends.

Stacy said... DOES depend.
It's still scary pricing...

the place we've booked has a page with 12 caterers we HAVE to choose from...
We're going to go taste...
and I think we'll just bat our little eyelashes and hope for the best!

Unknown said...

Tootsie Rolls are all you need for a good wedding feast. And the roast beast.

Stacy said...

Tootsie Rolls it IS. That and Tootsie drinks...melted Tootsies with a little vodka.

Vodka costs money!

Melted Tootsie and a little saliva!